Novel Hardware and Digital Technologies for Space Economy

27th October 2023
Sala Consiglio, Dipartimento di Fisica “Aldo Pontremoli” – UNIMI

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Nanoworkshop 2023 – 11th International Workshop on Functional Nanocomposites

12th – 15th September 2023
Plon Castle, Germany

 Webpage is here


4° Workshop “Condensed Matter Highlights”

14th February 2023
Dipartimento di Fisica “Aldo Pontremoli”

Webpage is here


Cluster-Surface Interaction Workshop 2018 (CSI 2018)

Trondheim, Norway, 19-21/6/2018
Webpage is here


Stampa 3D, microfabbricazione e biomateriali per l’innovazione in campo medico

F. Cavaliere, F. Pezzotta, T. Santaniello, C. Lenardi, A. Lascialfari, P. Milani
Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Pontremoli” e CIMAINA – Università degli Studi di Milano

Martedì 9 ottobre 2018

Aula magna dell’Università, Via Festa del Perdono 7 – Milano

Flyer here


Gordon Conference –Building Complex Systems with Clusters and Nanostructures

Mount Holyoke College, MA, US, July 9 – 14, 2017

Webpage is here


Workshop – Nanotecnologie e sviluppo responsabile: il caso del nanoargento

1 July 2015

Palazzo Giureconsulti, Camera di Commercio, piazza Mercanti 2 – Milano

Webpage is here


XAFS16 – 16th International Conference on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure

Karlsruhe, Germany, 23-28/08/2015

Webpage is here


Gordon Conference – Bridging the Gap from Free Clusters to Functional Nanostructures

Girona, Spain, 5-10/07/2015
Webpage is here